Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Class Comments on Paige Lewis Presentation


  1. The gypsy influence on Flamenco is sort of fascinating. I really like the raw, emotional sound voices can take on. It's a unique sound, even if sometimes it sort of sounds like a dying cat...ha ha. Poor gypsies though! Considering Flamenco came to be centuries ago and gypsies were singing woes about being downtrodden in society then, it makes me feel incredibly sympathetic to their whole ethnic group! In my personal European experiences, I only saw modern Roman gypsies when they were begging for change or trying to pickpocket tourists, but I find it difficult to believe that is representative of their culture. Especially last year in France, gypsies have had a rough time in recent years. It's kind of heartbreaking that they have been the orphans of society for so long!

  2. Thanks Kelsey! I thought it was intriguing how Flamenco history incorporates Judaism, Islam, and Christianity from regions that are of interest to a few people in our class. I thought of both Rachels a few times during my research! I agree with your sentiments on modern Roman gypsies-I encountered them in similar situations in Spain and Rome. It is interesting to compare modern and historical gypsies; there are also a lot of contrasts!


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